"Good morning! Inspired by a post from my high school volleyball coach, here is the 2013 Pay-It-Forward Project. The first five people to comment on this status will receive some random act of kindness from me, sometime within the calendar year. It might be a handwritten note, kind deed, or some small random gift. There will likely be no warning, just a small surprise to put a smile on your face. The catch? Those five people must make the same offer in their FB status. Go. Create. Do! Happy New Year friends!"
Being someone who enjoys offering random acts of kindness to my friends, I thought this was a great idea, and was one of the first five to comment.
Now, of course this was now 3 months ago, and I have not thought about it since; but, today when I got home I had the best surprise! Allison had taken photos from my blog, and used them to make me a customized note pad. It is wonderful and I am so thankful! Thank you so much Allison for this amazing random gift it brightened my day and made me inspired to continue to pass on the kindness!
Allison is also a blogger and I love following her adventures from the other side of the country! Check it out at Math In My Head.